Anti-Sleep App for your Mac.
Caffeinated is easy to use. A single click on the coffee cup in your menu bar can toggle the anti-sleep function.
Customizable to your needs
Caffeinated is flexible and offers many options to fit your personal style.

Sweet features. And continously maintained.
Caffeinated receives regular updates and improvements based on your feedback. It is actively being developed and maintained by a small developer studio based in Germany.

Minimal Design
Caffeinated has a minimal and easy-to-use interface. The app looks great on Retina Displays and Dark Mode.

Optimized & Powerful
Caffeinated is optimized for macOS Big Sur and Apple Silicon. It’s also compatible with older macOS systems.

Caffeinated doesn’t need a dock icon. The app lives in your menu bar and is easily accessible at all times.
What our users say about Caffeinated
Must Have
“How is it Apple hasn’t included this as part of MacOS yet? Thank goodness for developers who write software like this!”
“You know when you get an App and it just totally doesn’t do anything properly? Well this App is the opposite, funtions PERFECTLY. Keeps your laptop open and awake as long as you need it to, amazing.”
Great little app
“Useful when you need a screensaver override. Use it all the time!”
Great app!
“One of my essentials. Caffeinated allows me to upload my videos to YoutTube, export large files and overall just love this app so much. Thanks!”
Simple and effective
“Works just how you would expect it to work. The available options are simple and effective. Does what you want, no more, no less. Brilliant!”
“Wonderful app with different timers. Works flawlessly every time! This app has a great interface that’s easy to use.”
Truely a great little app
“I have a Mac Mini that kept going to sleep even though it was set to never sleep (being used as a server). Nobody, including Apple, had an answer. I discovered this clean, simple app, and the problem was solved. Moreover, I made a suggestion for an added feature and the company instantly replied with enthusiasm. Great all the way around!”
Does what it says on the tin
“Just the right number of options and complexity for controlling display sleeping. Works flawlessly and is a pleasure to use.”
* All Reviews and Ratings were taken from the official reviews in the Apple App Store (USA).
Made with ♥ in Germany
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