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Does Caffeinated keep a MacBook awake when closing the lid?

Caffeinated is not developed to keep a MacBook awake when the lid is closed. How you can keep your MacBook awake even when the is closed, you can read here.

How do I use Caffeinated?

After downloading Caffeinated from the App Store, you simply launch it like any other app. Once it’s launched, it sits in your menu bar (at the top of your display). It does not have a dock icon.

Can I toggle Caffeinated with a single click?

Yes. By default, a left-click will open the menu and a right-click (= secondary click) will toggle the activation state. You can switch this in the options.

Will Caffeinated receive updates in the future?

Yes. Caffeinated receives regular updates based on your feedback. It will also get updated if there are any changes to Apple’s operating system.

The menu no longer appears when clicking on the icon?

This is most likely because you enabled the setting “Activate with left-click”. You can test this by right-clicking (secondary click / ctrl-click) the icon to open the menu.

Do I need to connect my MacBook to power?

No. Your MacBook does not have to be connected to the power supply in order for Caffeinated to work.

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